Teresa Costantinidis
Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration

Currently serves as the University of New Mexico’s Executive Vice President for Finance & Administration, Teresa Costantinidis is responsible for the units that provide financial, administrative, and operational support functions to the UNM Community including the Financial Services Division, Human Resources, Information Technologies, Police Department, Environmental Health & Safety, Policy, Strategic Initiatives, and Institutional Support Services. Teresa works closely with senior leadership, including the President, Provost, EVP for Health Sciences, Deans, Regents, and the UNM Foundation.
Teresa has higher education budget, financial, and administrative management experience spanning over 35 years. Prior to this position, Teresa was the University of California, San Francisco’s Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer, responsible for planning and administering the overall campus operating and capital budgets, costing policy, federal indirect cost rate negotiations, recharge, enterprise-wide decision support, risk management, insurance services, and planning and institutional analysis. At the UC Berkeley campus, Teresa served as the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Budget & Resource Planning and Senior Assistant Dean and Chief Operating Officer for the Haas School of Business.
Teresa is an active and contributing board member to professional and community organizations including the Western and National Associations of College and University Business Officers, Lobo Energy Incorporated, UNM Rainforest Innovations, Lobo Development Corporation, the Harwood Museum, and the New Mexico Public Broadcasting Service. She holds an MBA degree from UC Berkeley, and a BS degree in Biological Sciences from UC Davis.